Library Resources in Nonprofit Management

In my past "library life," I helped library patrons with their questions in nonprofit human serving organizations. There are many, many publications and resources that I looked at frequently to help them with their research around nonprofit management and administration. While some are open to use on the world wide web, others are quite expensive. Luckily, many of these are available to you through the libraries of Lenoir Rhyne University. You can access these resources while on campus (Asheville, Hickory, and Columbia) or login with your id and password. [username: lastname pw: the letters ‘lr’ followed by your LR ID number with no leading zeroes For example: lr123456]

(Descriptions are adapted from publisher websites)

Stanford Social Innovation Review 
Presents the best ideas in nonprofit management, philanthropy & corporate citizenship.

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is an international, interdisciplinary journal for nonprofit sector research dedicated to enhancing our knowledge of nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, and voluntarism by providing cutting-edge research, discussion, and analysis of the field.

Nonprofit World
For executives, boards, staff & volunteers of nonprofit organizations. Focuses on key result areas of managing & leading a nonprofit organization.

Chronicle of Philanthropy
Provides news & information for fund raisers, professional employees of foundation, corporate grant makers, & people who work for non-profit, tax exempt organizations in health, education, religion, the arts, & social services.

Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Brings together knowledge about special needs, challenges, & opportunities of nonprofit organizations & offers insights on common concerns of nonprofit leaders in all settings.

(Descriptions are adapted from company websites)

ABI/Inform Collection
This database comprises ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline. The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.

Business Source Premier
The industry's most widely used business research database, Business Source Premier features full text and searchable cited references for top journals covering a variety of business disciplines.

Entrepreneurial Studies
Entrepreneurial Studies Source is an essential database for business students and researchers, providing the latest insights on entrepreneurship and small businesses topics. It offers full-text business journals, magazines, reference books, case studies and company profiles.

ProQuest Accounting & Tax Database
This database brings together global scholarly journals with other key resources for access to reliable information in this continuously evolving area of study. Quickly locate precise results from sources ranging from current news to professional and academic journal articles covering the trends and history influencing important accounting, tax, banking, and financial issues of the day.

Proquest Entrepreneurship Database
This database bridges theory with practice, covering a wide spectrum of resources useful to educators, researchers, students and practitioners. Content ranges from the scholarly - including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings - to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, sample business plans and tips from successful entrepreneur in a wide range of formats - from video to downloadable Word and Excel files, as well as traditional text and PDFs.

Web Resources
(Descriptions are excerpted from organization websites)

"With almost three decades of experience, BoardSource provides leaders with an extensive range of tools, resources, and research data to increase board effectiveness and strengthen organizational impact. It also serves as the national voice for inspired and effective board leadership"

Nonprofit Finance Fund
"NFF empowers the people and organizations that generate opportunity and hope in underserved communities. A lender, consultant, thought partner, and a nonprofit ourselves, we know how to help you run a business that drives positive change. Our 35+ years of experience and national and hyperlocal perspectives help you adapt, thrive, and realize your vision."

National Council of Nonprofits
"The National Council of Nonprofits (Council of Nonprofits) is a trusted resource and proven advocate for America’s charitable nonprofits. Connecting the policy dots across all levels and branches of governments, the Council of Nonprofits keeps nonprofits informed and empowered to create a positive public policy environment that best supports nonprofits in advancing their missions."

Nonprofit Tech for Good
"Nonprofit Tech for Good focuses on providing valuable, easy-to-understand information, news, and resources related to nonprofit technology, online communication, and mobile and social fundraising."

Young Nonprofit Professional Network
"The Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN) activates emerging leaders by connecting them with resources, people, and ideas. YNPN activates emerging leaders and helps them acquire the skills and awareness they need to be effective changemakers. With these leaders, we're building a diverse and powerful social sector that can support and strengthen our communities."

The Foundation Center
"Foundation Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grantmakers and their grants — a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector."

"Each year, millions of people use GuideStar information to make decisions about nonprofits and the work they do. Donors explore charities and issues they want to support. Nonprofit leaders benchmark their organizations against their peers. Funders research grantees. We strive to provide the highest-quality, most complete nonprofit information available."

Nonprofit Technology Network
"NTEN is where nonprofit professionals learn about and celebrate the ways technology helps them meet their missions."

"Our Mission: We work to build a better world by strengthening the ability of mission-driven organizations and philanthropists to achieve breakthrough results in addressing society’s most important challenges and opportunities."

"Through intensive cohort leadership development programs, we connect people with essential skills and knowledge, create powerful communities of leaders, and create time and space to explore the emotional dimensions of leadership. We also publish newsletters, research, blogs, and articles that report on leadership trends in the field, spark conversations on topics like racial equity, and share actionable tools and resources. "

Nonprofit Quarterly
"The Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ) is an independent nonprofit news organization that has been serving nonprofit leaders, charitable foundations, educators, independent activists, and others involved in the civil sector for more than fifteen years. NPQ’s guiding philosophy is that an active, engaged, and sometimes disruptive civil sector is critical to a healthy democracy in the same way that a free and independent press is."

As always, if you need help using any of these resources or have any that you'd like to add to my list, feel free to contact me


  1. This is an incredibly valuable resource for anyone interested in nonprofit management and administration! The breakdown of journals, databases, and even websites is comprehensive and covers a wide range of topics. Having descriptions for each resource is especially helpful. The Nonprofit World and Chronicle of Philanthropy journals sound particularly interesting, and the ProQuest databases seem like great options for in-depth research. I also appreciate the inclusion of websites like BoardSource and The Foundation Center - these are trusted names in the nonprofit sector. Thanks for offering assistance with using these resources - that's very helpful for those who might be new to them.

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