Summer School Inspiration

It's (almost officially) Summer! 

Summer sparks images of travel, mountain hikes, river floats, cookouts, and lazy hangs with your crew listening to that classic jam Summertime by Will Smith & Jazzy Jeff feeling like this:

No? Well, um, ok. Guess that last bit is only some of us I suppose...carry on...

If you're a graduate student, though, summer may be looking like nothing but attending class and studying for you. 

Here are a few quick summer school tips to make summer school worthwhile and, hopefully, inspire. 

  • Keep yourself motivated and engaged with school. Immerse yourself in what you are studying. Consider creating a study group with your classmates. A study group will not only help keep you accountable, but it is also a support system for your summer time woes i.e. it can help to remind you you're not the only one working through summer. It just may turn school work into fun, too. 

  • Study outside! If you are missing being outside in the summer time, take your studies outside with you. Find a sunny spot and start jotting down ideas for your research paper. Take a short hike and sit by the river to read. Being outside may give you a refreshing way to feel about studying for school.

  • Plan your time carefully. Summer school is packing more of a punch into a shorter semester, so planning out your time is very helpful to avoid falling behind in your classes. Be sure to make note of future assignment due dates and test dates so you can be prepared to spend more time in those areas. Plus, if you stay on top of your work, or maybe even get ahead,  you might not have to miss out on all that summer time fun. 

  • Keep your eye on your end goal. There is a reason you chose this route. You are an education warrior! Don't let summertime distractions detract from your passion. Remember why you are here and keep your eye on the prize. 

Good luck!


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