Libraries Transform: National Library Week 2016

We are smack dab in the middle of NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK!
That means that on Monday, the 2016 State of America's Libraries Report was released, and we take this week to reflect on how libraries have impacted our lives and our communities!

You can check out some of the modern trends that libraries of various types are keeping an eye on in 2016 at the libraries transform website. Trends such as: connected learning, resilience, data everywhere, and Internet of things reveal the meaning behind the theme of "Libraries Transform" - libraries are tuned in to the needs of the communities they serve, and are evolving to meet those needs.

There's no denying that the Internet has been revolutionary - it has changed the way we do a lot of things in our society, but it should also be said that access to the Internet is still not a given for many Americans - in fact, one of the "because statements" for the Libraries Transform campaign reads:

"because more than a quarter of U.S. households don't have a computer with an Internet connection."

This is a problem known as the digital divide - which is also shown in the technology skills that some have and others do not, for various reasons. It's easy to look around at everyone's smartphones and assume that everyone is connected. Educate yourself on some of the facts that contribute to the digital divide here -- you'll see that we have a ways to go before everyone is as connected as it seems.

National Library Week is not just for Public Libraries (of which we can all be a patron), though. Academic libraries - like the library at  L-R Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville celebrate this week as well!

The Internet made the L-R Center for Graduate Studies possible and allows you to access the Rudisill Library collection at any time. In numbers, that means L-R students have access to:

                      Physical volumes: 145,174                       
Electronic books: 272,971
Print periodicals and newspapers: 70+
Databases: over 100
Audio (CDs, records): 4,330
Video (DVDs): 2,161
Streaming audio and video: 45,050
Online journals: 27,423

Not to mention the many librarians you have at your service! In an increasingly digital world, humans have remained (for the most part)  human. We still need humans to communicate with to figure out new information, and this oft-circulated quote from one of Sarah's favorite authors can give you a clue as to who those humans could be...

Wanna join in the NLW fun? show your support for libraries on social media! Hurry - there are only 3 days left!

"During National Library Week we're asking you to create your own Because Statement. Just fill in the blank telling us why libraries matter to you or your community. One randomly selected winner will receive a $100 gift card and a copy of "Secret Coders," by Mike Holmes and Gene Luen Yang, our National Library Week Honorary Chair. Post to Twitter, Instagram, or on the I Love Libraries Facebook page during National Library Week for a chance to win. Your entry can be a picture or text. Creativity is encouraged. Just be sure to include the word "Because" and the hashtag #LibrariesTransform for a chance to win. Entries can also be submitted directly to the Libraries Transform Website. Join in the fun. Promotion ends Saturday, April 16 at noon CT."


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