Hearthrob Librarians

As promised in our Scariest Librarians post, and in honor of Valentine's Day, we bring you:

Heartthrob Librarians 

  • Rupert Giles

Rupert Giles is everyone's favorite vampire & demon slaying librarian. According to the Buffy wiki
Giles' natural and supernatural abilities include: Superior knowledge of demonology, mystical artifacts, and the black arts due to his Watcher training and delving in the black arts during his "Ripper years". Genius-level intellect. Fluency in several languages (such as Latin, German, Sumerian, and ancient Greek) and special knowledge of history, philosophy, science, and many areas of human knowledge, all due to his studies at Oxford University and his Watcher training.

All of these qualities make him an excellent librarian, even though library science isn't expressly listed.

  • Mary

From the 1995 comedy-drama film Party Girl, Mary is a fashionable & free-spirited gal in NYC who spends her time going to clubs and throwing parties. After she gets herself arrested at an underground rave, Mary finds herself working off a debt in her godmother's library. After a few misadventures, Mary masters the Dewey Decimal System and naturally finds her calling in life as a librarian. I mean, next to her fantastic fashion sense and organizational abilities. Oh wait! That describes almost every great librarian. 

  •   Marian the Librarian

The Music Man's Harold Hill cannot resist the charm of Marian the Librarian. Watch this clip of how he attempts to woo her. Perhaps you can get inspired to sweep your valentine off their feet with a little song and dance.

  • Dr. Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl 

Librarian by day, crime fighter by night. Popular in in the Batman TV series (1967-88), Dr. Barbara Gordon not only has her Ph.D. in library science, she is also the Head of the Gotham City Public Library - one of the largest public libraries in the DC Comics world. There's no Dewey Decimal system to keep the streets of Gotham in order. That's where Batgirl comes in.

  • Tasha Taystee Jefferson & Poussey Washington 

Okay, so they are not *actual* librarians per say. Regardless, these two love working in the library on the Netflix show Orange is the New Black. Who can blame them? Libraries are the best. (Says a librarian...)

You can read along with the show - here's a compiled list of all the books referenced in OITNB.

  • Turtle Princess

She had me at, "Hey, gurl!" Turtle Princess is a character from the cartoon Adventure Time. She is a princess, obviously, but she is also a Head Librarian in the Land of Ooo. How she upholds the no food or drink policy in a land of candy people, I will never know. I would LOVE to have an Ooo Library card.

Speaking of candy, honorable mention goes to all those librarians featured in candy commercials over the years, since candy is the best part of any holiday - especially a holiday based on love.
As the ol' saying goes, candy IS love.

  • Harriet Causbie - Library scientist, Reese's enthusiast
  • The Librarians who needed a break from the quiet in this KitKat commercial

  • The unnamed and un-phased librarian in this (apparently Japanese) Mentos commercial. A personal favorite. Count me in for a weird candy party, anytime!

We hope you had fun reading. Don't forget there are many real life heartthrob librarians. Maybe even a few at your University ... 


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