Welcome Back! Spring Semester 2016

In honor of 2016, here are 20, make that 16 reasons to visit your librarians this semester:

1. The library space/computer lab is a really nice place to study, collaborate, or just hang out.

2. Like, have you seen the view?

photo by Allison Etzel

... it's totally lovely.

3. We want you to interrupt us...

Grey House Publishing

4. & we won't shush you.

5. We know where to find the best online resources - coughLIBGUIDEScough

6. We can help you get books from the main campus (or other university libraries if needed) delivered to Asheville, just for you.

7. We can help you get access to journal and magazine articles too! (Even if L-R doesn't own it -- just use the ILL portal to get started).

9. We can help you properly cite your sources according to APA/MLA formatting rules.

10. And also format your paper according to APA/MLA formatting rules... fair warning, our favorite resource is the Purdue OWL!

11. We can help you get access to your course readings in time for class - probably using the journal finder tool.

12. We will work with you to help you get familiar with the technology you need for school - canvas, webex, outlook, etc.

8. We will work with you to help you use the library's online resources effectively - the catalog, databases, and library site.

13. We can, of course, meet your printing needs.

14. You might learn something new - we're always trying to learn new things.

15. We will help you flesh out your research topic, and help you throughout your research process - don't wait til the day before your assignment is due to ask for help.

16. We're here to help. If we don't know the answer, we will find out! Come see us in the evenings Monday - Thursday. Treat yo' self to some of our library expertise.


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