#Hashingout: A library without books?

In #hashingout, we talk about the issues that are positively GRIPPING the library world. 
Today we are hashing out:


Some call them "bookless libraries", some call them "digital libraries", and some stinkers call them "not real libraries". No matter what you call them, there are many places all over the world where libraries without books are popping up. These libraries offer their information in ALL DIGITAL formats via e-books, e-journals, databases filled with electronic articles, digitized resources, and other technology to search, access, and use digital media.

Among these libraries without books is yours truly: The Library at the Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville.

No, we don't have a collection of print books here at the Center, save for the APA Manual we have on our reserve shelf. (Don't all come running for it at once, now, we only have one copy!) In fact, here on the LR-Asheville campus, our library is far from a traditional university library. Our library facility is located in the computer lab and is virtually, well, virtual. (You, of course, can access this "virtual library" anywhere you have Internet access.) However, let's face it. Most of the research you are doing for your courses is online, right? Let's see:

As a Lenoir-Rhyne student, you have access to our vast array of e-resources...

Even though our library here in Asheville lacks a collection of print materials, LR-Asheville students have access to all the same resources as any Lenoir-Rhyne student on any campus. That means if you want a print book for your research, you may gain access to them at the Rudisill Library on the Hickory Campus through our Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL). Through ILL, you can request a print book and our awesome ILL specialist in Hickory will mail it to you to be picked up in the Asheville library office during the librarian's* office hours.

*That's right, the Library at the Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville has two real live librarians available to help you with your research needs. 

On the Asheville campus, you won't be able to lose yourself among stacks of books because we do not have stacks of books... but you can still browse the stacks virtually with our catalog and our e-journal finder.

If you're interested in reading more about other libraries without books, here are a few articles you might want to check out:

Here are some links to other free digital libraries:
  • Digital Library of Appalachia - "Provides online access to archival and historical materials related to the culture of the southern and central Appalachian region."
  • Digital Public Library of America - "The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world."
  • Open Library - Over 1,000,000 free e-book titles available
  • International Children's Digital Library - "A collection of books that represents outstanding historical and contemporary books from throughout the world."


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