Our Top 5 Scariest Librarians
Most of us modern day librarians roll our eyes at the stereotype of the scary librarian, though many of us wholeheartedly embrace others such as cats and cardigans. (Haha.) Yet, sometimes you just have to laugh or maybe...
All because we're getting into the "spirit" of Hallowe'en with our top 5 scariest librarians:
1. The Ghost Librarian from the opening scene of Ghostbusters (1984)
Described as a "free-roaming, vaporous, full torso apparition" and featured as the first ghost the Ghostbusters encounter in the film, we take our hats off to Eleanor Twitty, the Librarian who wouldn't let death come between her and her duties at the New York Public Library.
2. The Night Vale Public Librarians (aka Randall):

Night Vale is the horrifyingly endearing little town immortalized in the Welcome to Night Vale podcast, and very recently in book form. "Before episode 16, the library had no entrance. Instead, citizens found themselves there by 'waking up between two shelves in a dizzy haze, unsure of how [they] got there, and then wandering around, trapped, until [they] wake with a start in [their] own beds, covered with sweat, and with a few books we checked out on [their] nightstand.'" If that wasn't enough, "the library is run by a group of malevolent librarians (who are all named Randall) which the Night Vale citizens are encouraged to be cautious of... Visitors are warned that should they be approached by a librarian, they should remain still and try to 'make themselves bigger than the librarian.'"
3. Mr. Mortman from Goosebumps
Of course, any Goosebumps book comes highly recommended (by Sarah), not to mention the TV show (on Netflix). The Girl Who Cried Monster is available in both formats. Lucy enjoys frightening people, particularly her little brother, with tales of monsters, but when she witnesses Mr. Mortman, the local librarian's frightening after-hours transformations and peculiar appetite, no one believes her and her overactive imagination... until someone becomes a monster's meal.
4. Margaret Gesner: Monsters University Librarian

5. Tammy Two and all the librarians of Pawnee, IN
Fans of the show Parks and Recreation will tell you that Leslie Knope, the indomitable director of the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indiana is no fan of the Library services department. It may have something to do with Tammy Two (the second of Ron's ex-wives, both named Tammy) being the head librarian... in her own words from season 3, episode 4, “Tammy seems scary, but really she’s just a manipulative, psychotic, library book-pedaling sex-crazed she-demon." The scariest thing about Tammy 2? She can turn this man:
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Stay tuned for our heartthrob librarians post at Valentine's Day - Mr. Rupert Giles of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame will be our exclusive candidate.

1. Library Ghost. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015 from the Ghostbusters Wiki: http://ghostbusters.wikia.com/wiki/Library_ghost
2. Night Vale Public Library. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015 from the Nightvale Wiki: http://nightvale.wikia.com/wiki/Night_Vale_Public_Library
3. The Girl Who Cried Monster. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015 from the Goosebumps Wiki: http://goosebumps.wikia.com/wiki/The_Girl_Who_Cried_Monster
4. Librarian. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015 from the Pixar Wiki: http://pixar.wikia.com/wiki/Librarian
5. Tammy 2. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015 from the Parks and Recreation Wiki: http://parksandrecreation.wikia.com/wiki/Tammy_Swanson_(Tammy_2)
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