August 8th through 14th is National Library Week!

What is National Library Week? According to the American Library Association , National Library Week is sponsored by the ALA and libraries across the country as "a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support." This year marks the 60th anniversary of National Library Week, which will be observed Apr. 8-14 with the theme "Libraries Lead." You can read more about the event on the ALA's National Library Week webpage . How Do Libraries Lead? I was a library patron long before I became a librarian, and for me, the library was always a place for me to discover new stories or facts. The library led me into new worlds and ideas. The library was always the first place I went when I needed to do a book report, presentation, or write a research paper, because I always knew the librarian would lead me to the right information I ne...