Meet Your New Librarian

As some of you already know, last week Allison Etzel said farewell to the Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville to focus on her passion of massage therapy. We will miss her and wish her all the best! So please let me introduce myself: I will be here to meet your library with a new librarian joining the LR-AVL team soon. My office hours for the month are posted outside the library office (near the printer in the computer lab), but typically I will be here Monday through Thursday from 3 to 9 p.m. Drop-in reference help (and some technology support) is always available, but I strongly suggest making an appointment with me to ensure I am available. Email or call to set up an appointment! Rachel Statham email - phone - 828.407.4259 As always, feel free to reach out to our cohorts on the Hickory campus. They keep more regular hours and are happy to help you via phone or email. Hickory library contact info: Circ. Desk (ask to speak to a...