'Tis the Season! - Halloween Edition v.3 - All Hallow's Eve! Let the Magick begin!

All Hallow's Eve! Let the Magick begin! It's Halloween and the University of Iowa Special Collections is at it again on their excellent blog - this time featuring Halloween-y illustrations from their rare books. They've created GIFs to bring some of those illustrations to life. from http://uispeccoll.tumblr.com/ Visit the University of Iowa Tumblr for the full post, and to be connected to more items like this from those amazing special collections crew. from http://uispeccoll.tumblr.com/ While you're at it, here's an interesting read on Halloween and similar traditions around the world. from thebleedingpelican.com The day after Halloween, November 1st, is Dia de los Muertos (or The Day of the Dead). Originating in Mexico, Dia de los Muertos honors the dead with celebration rather than mourning. People visit the graves of their loved ones and set up altars for them at home. Images of calacas and calaveras (skeletons and skulls) are u...