Banned Books Week 2016!
This week we celebrate Banned Books Week! from What is Banned Books Week? Banned Books Week, typically falling in the last week of September each year, is a week that recognizes and highlights the importance of our right and freedom to read as we please, as well as the freedom of free and open access to information. These are freedoms that, as librarians, we celebrate every day. Many of us became librarians because we believe so strongly in upholding these freedoms. We hope that Banned Books Week can remind you! of this freedom you may often take for granted. Why Do People Want to Ban Books? Most book challenges and bans are based on claims that the literature is inappropriate, obscene, a danger to the innocence of children, or a danger to the public. Some examples: A K-12 parent is concerned that a book from their child’s school library is inappropriate for them; a book at the public library speaks candidly about a controversia...