
Showing posts from May, 2016

Good Vib-rary: End of Semester Views

We are wrapping up the last week of classes here in Asheville. WooHoo! We thought we could help give your brains a break before any finals you may have left and allow you to gaze upon our glorious view from the library computer lab. Recently very cloudy, but we have a feeling the sun will be showing its bright eyes very soon. Good luck on all your finals. Enjoy the view! 04/28/16 05/04/16 05/05/16   05/05/16

Choose Privacy Week: May 1-7

In late March, the FCC released its proposed rules for consumer Internet privacy . If adopted, these rules could mark first step in implementing strong net neutrality rules (stay tuned for our blog post on Net Neutrality). Last week, the House of Representatives passed the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 699) in a landslide vote. The Email Privacy Act provides a reform to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act: the government is now required to obtain a warrant to access digital communications stored in the cloud. Choose Privacy Week , put on yearly by the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom, reminds us to assert to our individual rights to privacy, lest we forget we ever had them. You may think that you don't have anything to hide, so you don't care who sees what you do -- but that's kind of the point. Accessing information, even that of a sensitive nature, is not indicative of guilt. In fact, many believe there should be reasonable ...