
Showing posts from December, 2015

Good Vibe-rary - An Ode to Endings

For many of you, today is your last day of classes for the semester. We bid our graduates adieu! Au revior! Auf wiedersehen! And, in case we don't see ya - good afternoon, good evening, and good night. To our students just finishing another semester: see you soon -- but not too soon; may your break take its time with you. What better way to end this post about endings than with one of the most beautiful types of endings: the sunset! We have the advantage of a fantastic westward view of the Blue Ridge Mountains that crown Asheville. The views here truly earn the "Land of the Sky" nickname. Since we work mostly in the evenings when classes are in session, Allison has been documenting the sunset view from the computer lab since her first few days here over two years ago. She just added a gallery of those photos to our new & improved LibGuide for the Asheville Center Library ( ). Which you should check out to get library help any...

December - Write to a Friend Month

December is a month that marks many occasions. A few of those:  The  winter solstice  brings us into a new winter season. This year the winter solstice is on December 22nd. There are many different holidays celebrated around the world all throughout the month. (Check out this site discussing all the multicultural holidays in December  here ).   December also marks the end of the calendar year.  A lesser known tidbit about December is that it is: "Write to a Friend" Month We're not talking about texting, messaging, or emailing a friend. We're talking about good old fashioned hand written letters. Do you remember this lost art? It used to be a common way to communicate with friends and family. Probably even more common than keeping up with friends on social media, such as Facebook.  When is the last time you wrote someone a handwritten letter?  Who doesn't like receiving mail? The majority of letter...