#Hashingout: Banned Books Week - Celebrating the Freedom to Read

In #hashingout, we talk about the issues that are positively GRIPPING the library world. Stay tuned for upcoming #hashingout posts on libraries without books, net neutrality, and open access. In our seminal #hashingout, we hash out: #BannedBooksWeek What is Banned Books Week? photo by ALA Every year, the American Library Association (ALA) celebrates Banned Books Week near the end of September. This year we celebrate Banned Books Week from September 27th-October 3rd . Over the course of each year, the ALA’s office of Intellectual Freedom relies on the self-reporting of libraries to keep track of books that are challenged or outright banned. A book challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials based upon the objections of a person or group. A book being banned is the actual removal of those materials from the library collection in a school or public library across the country. In 2014, according to ALA, there were ...